Toothache is any pain in and around a tooth. The pain of toothache can be a dull ache or a sharp pain. Without treatment most toothache gets worse, so if you have toothache you should visit a dentist to have it diagnosed and treated.
Causes of Toothache
A toothache is caused by the irritation of the nerve in the root of a tooth.Toothache results from the inflammation of Pulp(central portion of the tooth) which contains nerve endings that are very sensitive to pain.
- Common causes of toothache are
- Dental caries ( decay)
- Dental trauma
- Fractured or cracked tooth
- Broken filling
- Impacted wisdom tooth
Sometimes pain can be originating from other sources like ear,throat or sinuses & radiate towards the jaw, giving symptoms of dental pain.

Toothache can range from moderate to severe pain, that can alleviate on consumption of hot/ or cold food and drinks.
- Pain on chewing
- Bleeding or discharge from around the tooth
- Swelling in the area surrounding the affected tooth, usually accompanied by fever.
In reversible pulpitis, pain occurs for 10-15 seconds, when stimulus is present.As inflammation increases with time, the pain becomes dull and throbbing but lasts for hours.

After assessing the cause of your toothache, the dentist will recommend the best treatment for you.
If the carious lesion or the dental decay hasn’t spread very deep in the tooth, it can be repaired by removing the caries followed by a dental filling.
If the caries has spread deeper, reaching the pulp, than a root canal is the treatment of choice. The dentist cleans the root canals, removing the infected pulp & fills up the canal with a suitable material. This is followed by a restorative tooth filling.
Cracked tooth
Depending on the extent and the depth of the crack in the tooth, your dentist will repair it if possible,or the tooth has to be extracted.
If your toothache is due to a sinus infection, symptoms typically subside after the infection goes away.
Broken Filling
A broken filling can be repaired & the pain is relieved after that.
Impacted Wisdom tooth
If the toothache is due to an impacted wisdom tooth, it is either due to accumulation of food & plaque because of lack of proper cleaning or the presence of caries.
If pain is due to the former cause, it can be resolved by maintaining a meticulous oral hygiene by following a regime of regular brushing, flossing & mouthwash. If the cause is latter, wisdom tooth extraction is the only treatment option.
When should you seek immediate dental advice?

You should seek an immediate dental appointment if you have:
- Obvious inflammation
- Abscess or fever
- Swollen jaw or face
Book an appointment with Lasting Smile Dental dentist if your toothache lasts for 2 days or more. In the meantime, some measures that you can take for a temporary relief from toothache are
- Over-the-counter pain medications such as ibuprofen & acetaminophen
- Warm water rinses with a pinch of salt
- Rinse with a mouthwash that has alcohol in it, it will disinfect & numb your tooth for a while.
- Using numbing pastes or gels — they can help dull the pain long enough for you to sleep
- Keep your head elevated, it keeps the blood from rushing to your head, preventing blood pooling in your head & resulting in intensifying your pain.
- Try to avoid acidic,cold & hard foods, that might trigger pain.
- An ice pack before bed can help dull the pain.

This article is intended to explain Toothache causes and treatment. Please seek professional advice for diagnosis and treatment. Call to schedule an appointment with our dentist in Washington township at 586-207-1091