Gum contouring and reshaping

Lasting Smile Dental

What Is Gum Contouring and Reshaping?

Gum contouring and reshaping are a cosmetic surgical procedure that is used to alter the shape of your gum tissue. It is used in instances where your gums have receded, or if you have excess gum tissue. The procedure may also be used to restore an even, natural gum line.

Causes of Uneven Gums

There are several reasons why your gums may sit too low, too high, or be uneven. Gums that are too low (giving you what is known as a “gummy” smile) are often caused by genetics, although they can also be caused by some types of medications.

Gums that are too high or uneven are often caused by gum recession. Gum recession is a common side effect of gum disease, although it can be caused by bruxism (grinding) as well. When your gums have receded, which makes your teeth appear longer, you are often faced with issues such as sensitivity, a higher risk for tooth decay, and loss of teeth.

How Is the Procedure Performed?

Gum contouring and reshaping is often considered to be simply a cosmetic procedure, but it can also have some oral health benefits. In the past, the procedure was performed with a scalpel, a small metal tool. Today, however, the gums are contoured and reshaped using a laser, which helps to reduce bleeding, pain, and swelling. Before we begin, we administer a local anesthetic, which numbs the surgical sites. We then make the necessary incisions in your gums. We make the necessary cuts that will provide you with the best results. In some cases, this also involves the removal of small amounts of bone as well. Your gums will then be sutured snugly backup against your teeth.

Recovering From Contouring and Reshaping

While lasers have helped to greatly reduce your post-surgical downtime (lessening the pain and swelling you experience), you will still need some time to recover. Over-the-counter pain relievers can help you manage any discomfort you may experience. It is recommended that you eat a diet of soft foods for the first few days. We will provide you with specific instructions on how to care for your mouth following your procedure.

Benefits of Gum Contouring and Reshaping

Gum contouring and reshaping have several benefits:

  • It restores your gum line and your beautiful smile.
  • Results are immediately noticeable.
  •  The procedure can allow you to get dental restorations such as crowns or veneers.
  • Your oral health will improve.
  • You get your confidence back.

If your gums are keeping you from achieving your desired smile, call Lasting Smile Dental today at (586) 207-1091 and find out if gum contouring and reshaping is right for you.

You can also schedule an appointment for gum contouring by filling out the following form.