

While dental veneers are common, Lumineers are a step above and can only be found at a certified Lumineer dental offices. We can transform your look quickly, easily, without pain, shots, or disfigurement of your teeth. Dr. Lana Tello can give you a perfect looking smile faster and easier than you think. Our staff at Lasting Smile Dental can show you how we can transform your smile without whitening, braces, or crowns, using this simple non-invasive system. Lumineers can help your teeth look straighter, more even, and even close unsightly gaps. We can transform your smile in two dental office visits.

How Do Lumineers work?

Standard dental veneers can also cover your tooth, perfecting the look of your smile. The difference between standard veneers and Lumineers is the size of the shell and the procedure for placement. Using a thicker material, veneers require the dentist to shave and reduce the original tooth structure. This means that the original tooth is permanently altered, and will therefore always require some covering. It also means that the preparation for placement is longer and more involved. The patient will require a local anesthetic to reduce pain, and patiently wait while the work is performed. Lumineers do not require this preparatory step.

Lumineers are an ultra-thin porcelain shell that we place over the face of your tooth. Due to its ultra-thin size, we do not have to reduce your original tooth structure to place them. Lumineers are so thin that they can be placed over your tooth without adding bulk to your original tooth. This means no shots, no drilling, and less time in the chair. 

The thinness of the Lumineers does not mean that it is less durable. Clinical testing has shown that with regular use, teeth that have been covered with Lumineers can last over 20 years.

What if I no longer want my Lumineers, can they be removed?

One of the best parts of the Lumineer design is that yes, you can remove them and there is no damage to your original tooth structure. We can remove the shell because there was no grinding down of your healthy tooth structure beneath. Your natural tooth will still be intact and strong.

Can I get Lumineers instead of braces?

In many cases, yes, we can hide gaps or teeth that are not straight with Lumineers, making the long process of braces unnecessary. Dr. Lana Tello will evaluate your teeth and help you decide whether other orthodontic procedures are necessary. If you do not have a severe bite problem, Lumineers are a great way to reshape your teeth, helping them look straighter and more uniform, giving you that perfect look.

Continue to eat your favorite foods with Lumineers

You can use your Lumineers as you would your natural teeth. You can eat and drink the foods you always have without worry. Lumineers are durable; they can handle normal sticky and crunchy food consumption, you don’t have to be overly cautious while wearing them.


A: Lumineers are much thinner than traditional veneers. This means that little, to no, tooth grinding or reduction is necessary. Lumineers are also more translucent than traditional veneers, which gives them a more natural looking appearance.


A: The Lumineers procedure requires two visits. During the first visit, we will create a precise mold of your teeth and determine the appropriate shade of white for the Lumineers. The impression is sent to DenMat Lab where they create your custom Lumineers. During your second visit, we check the Lumineers for color and fit and apply them to your natural teeth. This process typically takes about an hour.

A: Most patients choosing Lumineers do so because of the following:

  • Broken or misshapen teeth
  • Unsightly gaps between teeth
  • Yellow or discolored teeth
  • Stained teeth that do not improve with bleaching

A: Lumineers are ultra-thin and applied directly to the surface of the teeth. In most cases, Lumineers fit perfectly without the need for numbing or grinding of the natural teeth. The process is pain-free, and most patients say their Lumineers feel completely natural from the very first moment.


 A: In most cases, Lumineers last an average of 20 years.

Do you have further questions about Lumineers? The team at Overland Park Dentistry is happy to answer any questions that you may have. Just give us a call at (913) 647-8700 for our South Overland Park office and (913) 341-2380 for our North Overland Park office.

A: Yes. The process is completely reversible since there are no changes to the underlying tooth structure.


A: Absolutely. Lumineers are very durable and resistant to wear, which allows you to eat with confidence. However, even with Lumineers, it is still important to see your dentist every six months for regular checkups and cleanings.

Beautiful smile with lumineers

Lasting Smile Dental Clinic provides Lumineers to the following areas in Michigan 

  • Rochester
  • Rochester hills
  • Shelby charter township
  • Lakeville
  • Romeo
  • Ray Township
  • Macomb
  • Oakland charter township
  • Waldenburg

Get your beautiful smile back with lumineer. contact us now!

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